Synchronizing Product Content With McLane
McLane Company is now partnering with 1WorldSync and its customers on two exciting initiatives: data synchronization through the GDSN® and the introduction of new items through the 1WorldSync Product Introduction solution. By using these two solutions together, McLane Company will be further enhancing the supply chain process through the true synchronization of its complete business data.
McLane Company uses GDSN® data to drive its new item introduction process; the Product Introduction portal to “top off” the data with attributes such as cost and distribution centers that are being supplied. This data is being fed into many internal systems within the McLane Company.
What's the Best Way to Get Started with McLane Data Synchronization?
The Getting Started & Troubleshooting area provides knowledge articles for troubleshooting and knowledge share along with any recent conversations about McLane in the Community.
Why Do We "Top Off" Content in Product Introduction?
McLane requires information providers to publish to their Production GLN 0083967000016 via GDSN. 1WorldSync customers using IM for publication can add the McLane playlist to help make this process for efficient to successfully publish to McLane. Complete the submital process in the McLane Product Introduction portal. Learn more about this process using the links below:
McLane Implementation Guide
McLane Quicksheets
McLane Training Opportunities
You can post questions in any of the community articles and can ask your peers and our support teams in the category called Ask Questions About McLane.
1WorldSync customers can learn more about training opportunities and release updates for IM and other applications in the Events Calendar. If you are new to using a Community and want to better understand it, please watch this brief video that highlights key features of the platform to help your success with the synchronization process.
watch this brief video that highlights key features of the platform to help your success with the synchronization process
Please see the attached document for the 101 Getting Started with McLane Quick Sheet. If you want additional one-on-one training for McLane, please request it in the 1WorldSync Store.
McLane Grocery (GLN 0083967000016) only accepts NEW item publications. If your hierarchy is published as INITIAL LOAD, your item will be listed as Historical. You can view all items in the Historical queue by going to Products > Historical. To get a...
Good afternoon, I had to republish an item to McLane as New, but it's not showing up to top off in PI. Can anyone please help me on this? I've checked the sync status report and error reports, but nothing is showing up. I've included the item and whe...
During a recent roundtable discussion between McLane, 1WorldSync, and customers, we identified the validation in IM that was requiring suppliers to populate three feature benefits when publishing to Mclane. We found a hidden rule that prompted that...
McLane requires suppliers to provide certain attributes in McLane PI. Every hierarchy should have the following attributes populated: Contact Name - The name of the person completing the information DCs for Setup - What McLane DCs is the item being ...
Hi, I will try to show the errors i have bumped into when i wanted to save/validate the item to publish to McLane. It looks like we have to indicate here something. but what are we supposed to fill in here, if we filled in everything we could regard...
Our "Femcare products GTIN's GTIN's 10078300140396 / 10078300140440 do not have a shelf life. can i somehow enter "unlimited”? I tried, but it gives me an error. How can i get past this? Thank you, Audrey
If information for a material is populated in item management and published to other customers, but does not meet the requirements of the McLane playlist, does it effect the other customers if I go in and change it to meet their requirements. For in...
Please see below and the attached Implementation Guide to help you get started with McLane. Suppliers to McLane Company must review this GDSN guide to learn how to publish product content for their New Items or when sending updates to existing items...
In order to continue to exceed customers’ expectations, McLane asks all suppliers to provide the temperature ranges for the safe handling and storage of all items at the McLane divisions. McLane Merchandising requires these fields to be completed o...
Good morning, We have a notification in worklist - synchronization of a modify for item (GTIN 00773479103984) was completed with warnings: Number of Units per Layer in a GTIN/GTIN Pallet Ti must not be provided if Number of Units per Layer in a non...
If there is a pallet count change, but that full pallet quantity is not being sold to the trading partner, does the 14-digit SCC# need to change? The base unit of measure is Case that the SCC# is tied to. The consumer selling unit is the each packa...
Hello, do I have a subscription for product introduction with McLane?
How do you have a subscription added to publish to McLane PI once Trading Partner form has been completed. How long does it take to get processed?
Good morning, I published an item to McLane early this morning that seems to be stuck. There isn't anything showing other than "pending synchronization". Usually I can go into PI within an hour or so to top off, but this is taking a lot longer than n...
Please advise of how we can resolve this error message. We are attempting to load it.
Hello, I am trying to register for the free training course but having an issue. I filled in the necessary information except for Primary Recipient- I don't see my company name there- Plugg LLC.. So I cannot continue, can you pls help. We haven been ...
Again I am having issues with sumbissions. I sent the attached for approval and buy team is saying its showingmore than 1 style attached to the shipper? i have attached two screen shots
can anyone explain was DC means in the setup, case and each?
@Becky If we need to change the pricing for the items we already have submitted to McLane, would we do that through 1WorldSync or would we have to contact McLane directly?
Good afternoon, I have a synchronization error for McLane, and I'm not sure what it means. Can you please tell me what the below means? We have nothing to do with Healthcare so I'm now sure why this is flagging. My item GTIN is 100330800005346, and w...
Hello all,Whenever we have a new item that we are selling to Walmart, we have to publish the GTIN to both Walmart and McLane (as McLane distributes our items to them). The publication to McLane always seems to go through without any issues, however ...
In January 2023, as part of the IM 8.33 Release, we added an additional validation to the McLane playlist that recommends image specifications. These validations are ONLY a Warning and will not interrupt the content flow. You will see this validat...
I am trying to publish to Mclanes and I keep getting the following error even though I have the max temp field populated. Anyone know how to fix this? "Please provide either Maximum Temperature (tradeItemTemperatureInformation/maximumTemper...
Hi, I am not understanding how to upload my products with the correct Hierarchy. I have attached an image of how the products are packaged. We have 24 inners within a master carton. Each inner contains 10 units. Each Master carton contains 24 inners ...
Suppliers, Why are items in withdrawn status that we are actively purchasing? I am seeing a lot of items in withdrawn status, when items are in withdrawn status we do not receive item updates. This causes errors when we do not have updated informatio...
1WorldSync Derivation is applicable to the McLane playlist for grocery products. There were no attribute and validation changes for the McLane foodservice products. McLane and 1WorldSync activated “Derivation” in June 2021 to ensure all required at...
Please advise. Marketing message and feature benefit is causing error/s after validating items. It shows on McLane's attribute guide that these 2 are conditional not madatory requirement. Will it validate/no errors, if I enter N/A? Thanks.
I have been trying to publish an item to McLane for quite some time now. I sent the original publication and it got sent back with a lot of errors, all of which I fixed. Now, McLane said the GS1 Trade Item ID Key Value does not match the GTIN on the ...
Hi, I have an LTO item that has already been published to McLane. However, the net content needs to be changed. The change shows as successful on Item Management side but has not generated on McLane's product management side. I have saved and validat...